For more than a decade, Julie has played an essential leadership role at a local, family-owned and operated Las Vegas business. Julie’s knowledge, skill set, and expertise have helped her company expand and create more jobs for Nevadans. Julie will bring this private sector experience and expertise to the State Senate to boost economic development and create long-term, good-paying jobs for our community. Julie also knows just how essential unions are to bringing in and supporting these good-paying jobs in Nevada, and is dedicated to working with and supporting our union brothers and sisters in their efforts to strengthen the middle class.
Julie will make sure our local small businesses have access to the financing they need to be successful. That’s why Julie supports expanding microloans to help kick-start the creation of new small businesses and providing tax credits to existing small businesses to help them expand and create new jobs.
Julie will make sure that Nevada has favorable economic opportunities for companies looking to relocate their operations. She will work to recruit more businesses to our state through incentives and favorable loan opportunities in order to strengthen the job market.
Julie wants to make sure that Nevadans benefit from economic growth in our state. That is why she will advocate for “hire local” provisions any time a company creates new jobs using state dollars. Julie will hold CEOs and big corporations accountable if they fail to create the jobs they promised, including canceling any tax breaks and making them pay back any money they have received.
In addition to creating favorable economic opportunities for businesses that may be considering investing in Nevada, Julie wants to make sure that we are doing more to diversify Nevada’s economy. Julie is committed to making Nevada a leader in the renewable energy market, which is why she supports investing in industries like wind, solar and geothermal.
While Julie believes we need to diversify our economy, she also understands that it is vital to Nevada’s economy that our tourism industry continues to thrive and grow. If elected, Julie would be the only current member of the Nevada State Senate from the hospitality and trade show industry. Julie will fight to expand Nevada’s tourism footprint and make sure that Las Vegas maintains its status as the #1 Destination for trade shows and hospitality in the nation.

Julie knows that investing in our public schools means investing in our future workforce and economy. That is why she will fight to keep our tax dollars in our public schools and stop them from being diverted to private schools with no oversight.
Julie wants to make sure that Nevada’s students have access to world-class education with excellent teachers and more individualized attention. She knows that starts by making sure our schools are properly funded. That is why she also supports making sure that the tax dollars from the sale of recreational marijuana go towards funding our local schools.
The best education starts with having great teachers in our classrooms, so she is committed to raising teacher pay in order for Nevada to attract and retain the best teachers. Julie will also fight to cap class sizes to make sure that teachers can give our students the individualized attention they need to be successful.
Julie wants to see our local schools provide more career and technical training for our students. During her time as the President of the Las Vegas Hospitality Association, Julie led an effort to connect high school and college students with job training, career education, and internship opportunities. As a State Senator, Julie will work tirelessly to expand programs like this to all of our children so that they graduate prepared to compete for good-paying jobs.
Julie will also fight for increased funding for Silver State Opportunity Grants and Millennium Scholarships so that there are more sources of funding to help Nevada’s children achieve their dreams no matter their background or zip code.

Julie knows how important affordable health care is to our families. In the State Senate, Julie will fight for lower health care costs.
Julie will always side with Nevadans over big insurance and drug companies. Julie will fight to make sure that we don’t return to policies that would allow insurance companies to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. Julie will also crackdown on big drug companies and create more transparency in their pricing so people can afford their medications.
Having access to health care is an essential right, and Julie will work diligently to protect, defend and expand this right for all women in Nevada. She wants to make it easier for women to access critical cancer screenings, expand access to birth control and improve women’s healthcare.
As an ardent supporter of a woman’s right to choose, Julie will stand up to Trump’s Supreme Court. She supports expanded Medicaid services for pregnant women and emergency contraceptives for victims of sexual assault. Julie will protect funding for Planned Parenthood and ensure access to critical women’s health services.

Julie believes that all Nevadans deserve to live in healthy and safe communities. That’s why she will fight to ensure first responders and law enforcement officers have the resources they need. Julie will also work with Nevada’s law enforcement to ensure universal background check laws are working as intended and keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and the dangerously mentally ill.
Nevada has unfortunately seen first-hand the dangers of allowing guns to fall into the hands of dangerously mentally ill people, and Julie is dedicated to making Nevada a safe home for everyone. She will continue to stand up to make sure that those who are convicted of violent crimes, stalkers and the mentally ill will not have access to weapons, while still respecting the rights of responsible Nevada gun owners.
With Julie’s leadership on public safety, Nevada will remain a safe, welcoming place for everyone to live, work and raise a family.